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1  Les Langages de base, HTML 4, HTML 5, CSS 2 & 3, JS. / HTML - 5 . . . / LaTeX vs HTML le: Jeu. 21 Juin 2018 à 11:51:15

Not really intending to start a flame war, and I hate it as much as anyone when a newbie starts putting down my favourite language. Anyway, I used LaTeX as a requirement for one of my undergrad units back in 2009, but haven't used it since. Since I'm doing an honours year this year which requires a thesis, my research supervisor recommended me to use LaTeX since I do already know it.
Just thinking about it though, I'm struggling to come up with a reason as to why I should use LaTeX over plain old HTML (and CSS). As a developer, I use HTML and CSS all the time, and it seems like they could achieve the same advantages as LaTeX compared to a (dare I say it) Word Processor.
So why do you guys use LaTeX when you can use HTML and CSS, which is much more widely used?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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